Industry Leader in Power Assisted Liposuction Machines
The Dr’s Toy Store takes pride in being the Industry Leader in Power Assisted Liposuction Machines. We carry Power Assisted Liposuction Machine brands like Vaser, MicroAire and including the new and improved Pure Sculpt Power Assisted Liposuction Machine. This...
Cryopreserving your Stem Cells Post Liposuction
An independent book extracts the best protocol to Harvest and cryopreserve adipose-derived stem cells in excessive fat deposits acquired by means of liposuction. Successful approaches promise fat gains for everyone involved. The Process of Cryopreserving your Stem...
Choosing the Right Electrosurgical Unit
Dr’s Toy Store has many Electrosurgical Units For Sale. Below listed, are two that we highly recommend. There are many others very close and comparable to these listed. Check out all of our Electrosurgical Units For Sale at the Doctor’s Toy Store. Choosing...
Why the J-Plasma is the Best Option
The J-Plasma is the Best Option The J-Plasma is new and top of the line, a top player in the Electrosurgical Units industry. J-Plasma Offers Facelift Alternative The reason of a Facelift or also known as facial rejuvenation is to appear younger. Procedures like so...
Benefits of Buying Pre-Owned Ultrasound Systems
Is it Safe to Buy a Pre-Owned Ultrasound Machine? Certainly, buying a used Medical Equipment not only can save you a great deal of money, but it could be risky. That’s why, here at Dr’s Toy Store we are committed to Quality, performing special care on every Pre-Owned...
3 Reasons Why Doctors Choose Used Medical Equipment
Why Doctors Choose Used Medical Equipment If you are a doctor and are in the market to upgrade your medical equipment in your office and have been contemplating. Do I choose New or choose Used? The time has come that you need to update that piece of equipment that you...Dr’s Toy Store Helping America Deal With It’s Obesity Crisis
Last fall, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a report that stated that nearly 40 percent of all adults in the United States are obese – the highest rate ever recorded. Americans are the fattest nation on the planet, beating out China, India and...