Customer satisfaction and patient safety is paramount @drstoystore and why we sweat the details, whether with a Double Check #QC for every piece of repaired #medicalequipment BEFORE it leaves our repair center, or keeping our clients properly informed about important news affecting the medical equipment they rely upon.
Being based in South Florida, where high humidity is a fact of everyday life during so much of the year, the staff at Doctors Toy Store is particularly sensitive to operating issues involving humidity that directly effect the medical equipment our clients use, so are very self-conscious about trying to keep abreast on the latest news and developments that affects our trusted friends and clients and the patients they care for and about.
With the 16 years of experience we have, we’ve developed a very large number of contacts in almost every area of healthcare you can think of, both domestically and internationally, so we endeavor to keep close track of information we believe makes all of our jobs easier and safer for their patients. It’s just who we are.
Recently we came across some very important information that we’re especially keen to share with you because it’s so vital.
Owing to the legitimate concerns of many parties within the healthcare and medical industry, but especially hospital ORs, relating to the integrity and operability of certain medical equipment in areas with relative humidity levels to below 30 percent, the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation, AAMI, @aami_connect was recently part of a multi-party study that sought to determine what was and was not appropriate practice and to develop useful material for medical professionals and their staffs.
“Our common goal is to help healthcare delivery organizations understand the challenges and important considerations related to relative humidity levels in the OR. And we all want to ensure that patients are protected and that resources are utilized effectively. We hope this communication will help achieve these objectives.”
– Mary Logan, president of AAMI.
Please take some time to read the joint communication and become properly informed:
Infection control – Challenge of relative humidity levels and medical equipment within OR, effect on sterile equipment